
The purpose of the program is to loan a special telephone device to Indiana citizens who have telephone service and are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech impaired.
Those who are eligible will be loaned one device, a telephone ringing light flasher, a surge protector, and a carrying case.

Who is eligible?: Citizens of Indiana (age 6 or older), who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech impaired. Annual household income cannot exceed $74,000.

What is the Equipment? (click on name to read more)
Superprint 4425

* Training and instructions on these machines can be received through agencies listed here.

Don’t qualify for a free loaner phone?
Go to CapTel offer for Indiana residents

Purchase from Harris Communications
SuperPrint 4425

How do I prove my eligibility?
You will need to provide a copy of your prior year’s tax return or sign a statement subject to perjury that the household income did not exceed $74,000, or provide other proof of income. Only one piece of equipment will be loaned per household.

What are my responsibilities?
1. If the equipment is stolen or damaged by fire, you must report the theft or damage to your local police. You are required to mail a copy of the report to InTRAC within five (5) days.
2. If the equipment is damaged, lost or destroyed because of carelessness or misuse by you or by persons known to you, you are required to pay for the repair or replacement of the equipment.
3. You are responsible to purchase and replace the batteries with high quality alkaline batteries only!!
4. You need to understand what qualifies as “carelessness or misuse”:
• Using the wrong type of battery
• Damage due to being dropped
• Tampering with or trying to fix equipment yourself
• Food or liquid spills inside the machine
• Insect infestation which destroys the circuits
5. If you move from your current address, please contact InTRAC with your new address.
6. If you move out of the state of Indiana please return the equipment as well as the accessories to InTRAC.

What do I do if the equipment needs repair?
For repairs of the CapTel unit 2400i or 880i, include a note explaining problem and ship to: Ultratec, Repair Center, 5901 Research Park Blvd., Madison, WI 53719.

For repairs of the Superprint 4425 or Dialogue VCO, please ship to Harris Communications, 15155 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Include a note explaining the problem.

How do I apply?
Apply online here or download a copy in the Forms section.

After completing the application, mail it to InTRAC, 7702 Woodland Drive, Suite 250, Indianapolis, IN 46278.

When InTRAC has approved the application, the distributor will ship the equipment to your home or to one of the agencies listed here.