Uniphone 1140

Uniphone 1140
Uniphone 1140

Uniphone 1140
Voice Carry-Over/Hearing Carry-Over/Text Telephone (VCO/HCO/TTY)

• Used as standard telephone, VCO, HCO, or TTY
• Allows you to listen to the caller and type reply on the telephone keypad

How to use:
1. Dial Relay Indiana at 711 or 800-743-3333
2. Operator answers by saying “Relay Indiana Agent [number]. May I have the number you’re dialing?”
3. Type in the area code and telephone number you wish to call and then type “HCO PLS GA.” (“HCO PLS GA” means “Hearing Carryover, please go ahead.”)
4. Relay Indiana Operator will dial the number and begin processing the call. You will listen to the party you have called, and you will type your part of the conversation. The operator will “voice” or “relay” what you are typing to the other party. Be sure to type “GA” after each portion of your part of the conversation.

If you meet the following criteria, you may be able to obtain a free phone from Relay Indiana:
+ Citizen of Indiana?
+ Hard of hearing, deaf or speech impaired?
+ Annual household income below $74,000?
click here to go to application